Pictorial Menu

Musica Donavania, 29 October 2011 - Modest Mussorgsky

This event, held at the La Crescenta location, featured music by Modest Mussorgsky, including all three major versions of Night on Bald Mountain. Unfortunately, we don't have a Playlist for events before 2013.

Click on Picture for Recipe

Beef in Horseradish Sauce
Kidneys in Madiera Sauce
Ukrainian Borscht
Salade Bagration
Serving #1
Buckwheat Kasha [v]
Serving #2
Beet Vinaigrette [v]
Serving #3
Cauliflower w/Mayo Sauce
Serving #5
Eggplant Caviar (spread)
Serving #4
Pickled Herring
Serving #6
Dilled Onion Appetizer
Serving #7
Cucumbers in Sour Cream
Serving #8
Mushroom Sauce (spread)