
[order Rajiformes (skates & Rays): family Rajidae (skates) Dasyatidae (stingrays) and others. Alternate: order Rajiformes (skates), Myliobatiformes (Rays)]
These mostly bottom dwelling fish are related to sharks but have pectoral fins so enlarged they are referred to as "wings". Like sharks skates have no bones but a skeleton of cartilage. Skate is generally sold as cuts from the wings and is prepared quite differently from other fish. I haven't seen ray for sale anywhere but skate wing, and sometimes whole skate can be found in Asian fish markets.

For how to tell Skates from Rays see Note F21. Note: I accept the FishBase taxonomy so I can lump skates and rays into the same paragraph, not from malace against biologists who support the "alternate" taxonomy. Some skates are listed as endangered (Common Skate, Thornback and Roker) but it's impossible to tell in the market what skate they are selling if it's just wings. No skate or ray is kosher.


Skate wing is filled with cartilaginous fin rays which may be left in, particularly for grilled skate wing, or the meat may be removed from them for more "refined" dishes. We have extensive instructions on dealing with skate on our Buying & Preparing Skate Wings page.

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